Information for Tour Operators.

Our Business relies on tour operators selling our products. As an incentive we offer 10% commission on all bookings, however in order for a happy, engaging and hassle free working relationship we ask that all our booking agents and tour operators read and follow the guidelines below. This will ensure we meet expectations, and both you and your clients know what to expect when you come whitewater rafting with Nalubale.

Price list:

These are our rack rates. We offer 10% commission on these rates.


Before you make a booking!

Please familiarise yourself with our products. Take time to read through the website including the FAQ page. This will allow you to answer any questions your clients may have. Please remember our minimum ages for rafting are 14ys for grade 3 and 16yrs for grade 5. Anyone younger than 14yrs will not be allowed to raft. Once you have confirmed that your clients all want to raft please be ready with the following information:


Number of PAX for rafting.

Type of trip. 1 day / half day / 2 day / weekend package.

Contact phone number for clients.

Date they want to raft.

Transport needed from Kampala? If so where from?

Accommodation needed? If so where and which date?

Dietary requirements, Vegetarian? Vegan? Gluten Free? Dairy Free?

Any other information?

If your group have any specific requests or special needs please call us and let us know and we will do our very best to accommodate them. We do stick to a schedule so not all of your requests may be possible, however we will always try our best!

Office hours.

While we will still answer the phone late in the evening we do all have personal lives to live and we appreciate if you can as much as reasonably possible call us to make bookings within office hours. If a booking is not urgent and it is late please think about calling us the next day!

Commissions paid.

We pay 10% commission to whoever has made the booking. For us the concept of a booking is that you are doing our job for us, so you need to provide us with all the above information in a clear and concise manner and after confirmation and payment, commission will be paid. If you are coming to the office yourself we will pay you cash, if you are in Kampala or further afield we will pay you by mobile money.

A referral is different to a booking.

If you call us to tell us some clients will call us to book rafting then you do not get commission. Commission is paid to the person who made the booking, so if this is the clients themselves then commission is not applicable. If you are unsure about how to make a booking then please call us. 

Thank you!!

Thank you so much for your continued support of Nalubale Rafting! We hope this information is helpful to you and as always if you have any questions or need any clarification of our trips and services please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Will Clark. Managing Director.

Office: +256 782 638 938 / bookings [at] nalubalerafting [dot] [com]

Will: will [at] nalubalerafting [dot] [com]